Kaiama L. Glover

Kaiama L. Glover

Ann Whitney Olin Professor of French and Africana Studies,  Faculty Director of the Digital Humanities Center 


Africana Studies, Digital Humanities Center, French


Milbank 314


Kaiama L. Glover is Ann Whitney Olin Professor of French & Africana Studies and Faculty Director of the Barnard Digital Humanities Center. Having received a B.A. in French History and Literature and Afro-American Studies from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in French and Romance Philology from Columbia University, Professor Glover joined the faculty in 2002. Her teaching and research interests include francophone literature, particularly that of Haiti and the French Antilles; colonialism and postcolonialism; and sub-Saharan francophone African cinema. She advises students in French, Africana Studies, Comparative Literature, and Human Rights. 她是……的作者 A Regarded Self: Caribbean Womanhood and the Ethics of Disorderly Being (Duke UP 2020) and Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon (利物浦2010年). 她在……上发表过文章 The French ReviewSmall Axe非洲文学研究后殖民写作杂志, and 海地研究杂志, among others, and has co-edited several works, including 海地新叙事 for Transition magazine (2013), 翻译加勒比海 for Small Axe (2015), Marie Vieux Chauvet: Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Feminine for 耶鲁法语研究 (2016); 海地例外 (2016), and The Haiti Reader (2020). Professor Glover has translated several works of fiction and non-fiction from French to English, 尤其是Franketienne Ready to Burst (2014), Marie Chauvet 's 在火山上跳舞 (2016), ren Depestre 's 《世界十大电子游戏平台》中的哈德里安娜 (2017),以及francaloise verg的 The Wombs of Women: Capitalism, Racialization, Feminism (2019). She is an awardee of the PEN/Heim Foundation, 国家艺术基金会, the National Endowment for the Humanities, 梅隆基金会, and the 纽约公共图书馆 Cullman Center. 她是 archipelagos 加勒比数字实践杂志他是“加勒比数字," and the founding co-director of the digital humanities project In the Same Boats: Toward an Afro-Atlantic Intellectual CartographyIn 2018-2019 she was a resident Fellow at the Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination in Paris, France where she began work on her new book project, “For the Love of Revolution: René Depestre and the Poetics of a Radical Life” and she is also working on a book of essays, “法语中的‘黑’."

  • 哈佛大学文学学士
  • DEA, Université de Paris IV, la Sorbonne
  • 硕士,哲学硕士,博士,哥伦比亚大学

  • 法国语言文学
  • Africana Studies
  • 人权研究


A Regarded Self: “Caribbean Womanhood and the Ethics of Disorderly Being (forthcoming with Duke University Press).

Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon. 利物浦大学出版社,2010.

The Haiti Reader. Duke University Press (2020) [co-edited with Laurent Dubois, Nadève Ménard, Millery Polyné, 和香黛尔·维尔娜].

Revisiting Marie Vieux Chauvet: Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Feminine, for 耶鲁法语研究 (2016) [co-edited with Alessandra Benedicty].

海地新叙事, for Transition Magazine No. 111 (2013) [co-edited with Laurent Dubois].

Josephine Baker: a Century in the Spotlight, for the 学者和女权主义者在线 6.1-6.2007年秋季- 2008年春季.

Order, Disorder, and Freedom: an Homage to Maryse Condé, for the Romanic Review. 哥伦比亚大学出版社,2004年.

“Confronting the Communal: Maryse Conde’s Challenge to New World Orders in Moi, Tituba,” French Forum 37.3 (in press).

 “‘Black’ Radicalism in Haiti and the Disorderly Feminine: The Case of Marie Vieux Chauvet,” Small Axe17.140(2013年3月):7-21.

 “海地新叙事, or, How to Empathize with a Zombie,” Small Axe 16.3 39(2012年11月):199-207.

 “Same Difference: Incoherent Being(s) in Jean-Claude Fignolé’s Early Prose Fiction,” The French Review 85.2 (December 2011).

“Tituba’s Fall: Maryse Conde’s Counter-Narrative of the Female Slave Self,” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 15.1(2011年1月):99-106.

“Presenting the Past: The Persistence of the Para-Revolutionary Moment in Jean-Claude Fignolé’s Aube Tranquille,” 非洲文学研究 41.4(2010年11月):208-26.

“The Ambivalent Transnationalism of a Literature World. In French,” Small Axe 33 14.3(2010年10月):99-110.

“非巴黎的后果”, 后殖民写作杂志 44.(2008年9月):275-88.

“Showing vs. Telling: spiralisme in the light of antillanité,” 海地研究杂志 14.1(春季2008):91-117.

“Exploiting the Undead: the Usefulness of the Zombie Figure in Haitian Literature,” 海地研究杂志 11.2 (fall 2005): 105-121.

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